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Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Lice Naturally

Alarm bells inevitably tend to go off when you see your child scratching their head. Yup, it could be those dreaded head lice. Head lice are actually a parasite known as Pediculus humanus capitis. They can attach themselves to your hair and are mostly found on the scalp. The itching that you experience when you have lice is a reaction to their bites. People with lice may also experience a tickling feeling, as though something is moving through their hair. These parasites can even disturb your sleep since they tend to be more active at night.[1]
In ayurveda, lice are categorized as a bahyaja krimi, that is an external worm or microbe. The ancient physician Acharya Harita specifically identified lice as kesh akita or yukta. An imbalance of kapha dosha is considered to promote krimi infestation. Factors such as over sweating, excessive exposure to moisture, excessive intake of certain foods such as madhura (sweet) or amla (sour) foods, jaggery, milk, til oil, fish, as well as excessive sleep during the day, and a sedentary lifestyle are thought to contribute to the growth of krimi.
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